- Buffalo Music Hall of Fame Inductee (1988)
- Composer, musician, and bandleader performing original music for over 30 years
- Six releases with critically-acclaimed “David Kane’s Them Jazzbeards,” including the soundtrack for the movie “Shadow Creature”
- 2003 release of “The Life and Times of Guy Friday” with DKQ (David Kane Quartet) has received very favorable reviews
- Music for “Herd About Buffalo” video release
- Many collaborations with performance artist David Butler as D+D, including 2002 performances of “No Plan B” at Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center and the Sphere
- Pioneer of industrial music in the mid 1980s with Decay of Western Civilization; video for “Baby Doe Rules” had airplay on MTV and earned a Music Video Award in 1987
- Original music band the Celibates from 1981 earned a chapter in a German book on music history of the 80s
- Has taught college credit courses at Select Sound in Buffalo – “History of Music Production” and “Midi Recording Workshop”
- Guest speaker at music seminars
- Opening act for diverse acts including the Goo Goo Dolls, David Sanborn, Los Lobos, Stanley Jordan, Divine, a Greek christening, a bar mitzvah, Zippy the Chimp,Holly Cole
- Included in Underground Buffao Rock Posters: The Continental & Beyond book.
- Played on many artists’ recordings including the Goo Goo Dolls and John & Mary (of 10,000 Maniacs)
- Composes music for industrial videos and commercials
- Has a fan club in Germany
- Soundtrack for independent film “IN” featuring performances by the legendary jazz organist Jimmy Smith and his quintet, trumpeter Kermit Ruffin, James Rivers, and Maria Muldaur .
- Soundtrack for indie film “BUFFALO BUSHIDO” featuring the artistry of Yoko Hiraoka,the Japanese master of koto, shamisen,biwa and jiuta voice style
- Has composed music for Buffalo Contemporary Dance with Amy Taravella and company including “Bikini Launch” featuring Bobby Militello on sax and flute “Quartet” , an avant garde performance piece featuring Gerry Trentham, David Butler, Amy Taravella and David Kane
- Has worked closely with Nimbus Dance {Brad Wales,Beth Elkins}, on several performances including Windows No.7, Story of a girl, and most recently The Cell Phone Show an audio, visual, dance and performance extravaganza performed at Gallery 164
- Live performances at The University of Buffalo’s Center for the Arts, both solo and with Them Jazzbeards as part of the Music is Art series
- Live performances at most of the regional large outdoor summer events {M&T Plaza, Elmwood Arts Festival, Lilac Fest, Erie County Historical Society, Burchfield-Penny Art Center}
- Teaches MIDI and Synthesizers at NCCC
- Earned a chapter in a book of essay’s entitled “Goth” by author Mark Nowak for his work with the band Nullstadt and was involved in a reunion show at Hallwalls Arts Center
- Composed and performed live soundtrack for the classic film “Intolerance” at Squeaky Wheel Film Fest
- Has radio program on ThinkTwiceRadio.com

Trek w/Quintronic
Alien Registration
Leash Laws
POW Pageantry Of Weens
Sinatra Test
Decay of Western Civilization
Double D
David Kane's Them Jazzbeards
DKQ David Kane Quartet
Solo Projects
Theater Projects
Dance Projects
Movie Soundtracks
Commercial and Industrial Projects
Night Slaves
MANdate a gogo
MPP Major Progress Program
David Kane and Gearge Puleo
Sad Songs Happy Hour
The David Kane
self indulgent radio hour
Thirty years of being in the music business and still going. This show is about me, me, me.
Recordings from ThinkTwice Radio.
David Kane’s Them Jazzbeards Live @M&T Plaza (59:59)
Live Performance Featuring Mary Ramsey And Jim Whitford. August 2010
Basement Jams Fall 2009 (59:58)
Ambient Sounds, Noise, Etherealism, Goofin’ Off, Beer, Smokes, and other things. Composed and performed by David Kane, Scott Valkwich, Tristan Trump, and Karl Lee
David Kane’s Them Jazzbeards live @ The Eastman Theatre in Rochester, NY November 12,1998 performing original score for the 1929 Russian film by Dziga Vertov
So new that if this music were written out the ink would still be wet (59:44)
Brand spankin’ new projects and works in progress only to be heard here
You Should Have Been There (59:54)
Music selections from STRIKE,WOY/UBU and D+D= . All selections composed and performed by David Kane
cassette tapes part 2 1989-1990
Cassette releases featuring Nullstadt, Double D, Decay of Western Civilization and David Kane Solo Piano
Cassettes Volume 1
1989 And 1990 featuring Them Jazzbeards, Double D, Nullstadt and Solo Piano
Bushido – Shasti
New muisc from 2008, both Soundtrack and Collaboration
Side Show
Haunted sound collage.
Gotta gig, gotta go
Radio show episodes featuring Guy Friday
Music from the film "In".
David Kane wrote all the music for the film. It is about a street artist (Pete). A flamboyant mob wanna-be (Tony) offers him easy work in a local cemetery. Things get sticky when Tony’s supposable girlfriend Angie (The Rose) takes a liking to Pete and the true nature of the work is revealed. However, Pete falls for the new girl on the block Rachael (The Spider) who soon becomes a much needed distraction from Tony and the pressures of his mysterious boss Tomosso. A final showdown at the cemetery reveals who’s got what it takes to get "in". It’s a game suited for New Orleans
The Current era 2004 – present
The Jazz Beards era 1989 – 2000